Saturday, February 26, 2022

Fall and Winter Updates



Winter Garden With and Without Snow

After seeing our pollinator garden between bouts of snow and ice, I'm itching to get my fingers back into the dirt.  Having said that, we're waiting for more warm weather before we starting cutting the dead plant stems back and getting the leaves away from the base of the plants.  My research shows that some of the native pollinators like to nest in the stems of last year's plants and if we cut them now we will be losing some of the very insects we are trying to help.  The dead flowerheads also provide seed for the birds so we'll leave this for a while. 

The deer have been passing thru again.  They seem to be mostly interested in the acorns from the oak trees around the garden now, but last summer they sure did like the Liatris and Columbine along with the Viburnam and even some of the Nine-Bark.  This year (2022) we'll make sure to put deer repellent on earlier and get the coyote urine around the garden.

Since I can't really work in the garden now, I've been working on making garden sheets for the plants that I have in the garden now.  This will help to make it easier if we need to replace plants by giving us more information as to why some plants didn't make it thru the winter or had problems.