American Toad
Things are slowing down on the plant front. The next to blossom will most likely be the Purple Coneflower. However, the animals are starting to appear. We found a small toad on the edge of the garden. As you can see above, it is very prettily colored. We also have several Garden Ghost Spiders (see below).
Garden Ghost Spider
Green and Black Dragonfly
This dragonfly landed next to me on the patio. I was fortunate to be able to grab a picture before it took off again. It is beautiful, but I haven't been able to identify it yet.
The Columbine blossomed and quickly went by. Perhaps it was the heat. I was lucky to get this picture because they have all gone by now.
New Jersey Tea
The NJ Tea bush is still progressing towards being fully opened. There are several small bees/hornets buzzing around it but so far I haven't been able to get a picture of them.
General Update: The longest lasting flower so far has been the Beardstongue, followed by the Anise Hyssop. The NJ Tea also looks to be a contender for this. Also the Rose Milkweed that wasn't looking so good has recovered and no is doing well.