We finished our final report on the garden today and will submit to the Cheshire County Conservation District. Overall this grant process has not been difficult and it makes you think about what you are doing before you do it. For a little planning an paperwork, we now have a beautiful pollinator garden. More pictures to come when the weather is nicer. For now, here's a list of the plants that we put into the garden.
List of Plants in Garden:
Foxglove Beardtongue -
Penstemon digitalis |
Purple Coneflower -
Echinacea purpurea |
Blue Wild Indigo -
Baptisia australis |
Wild Columbine -
Aquilegia canadensis |
Rose Milkweed -
Asclepias incarnata |
Purple Bergamot -
Monarda media |
Blanket Flower -
Gaillardia aristata |
Anise Hyssop - |
Scarlet Bee Balm -
Monarda didyma |
Spotted Bee Balm -
Monarda punctata |
Northern Blazing Star
- Liatris scariosa |
Showy Goldenrod -
Solidago speciosa |
Black Eyed Susan
(Rudbeckia fulgida) |
New Jersey Tea Plant (Ceanothus) |
Mountian Laurel
(Kalmia latifolia) |
Arrowwood Viburnam
(Viburnam dentatum) |
Ninebark - Little
Devil |